F20C Toda Racing Pistons – Over Haul



F20C Toda Racing Pistons – Over Haul

For the renowned F20C engine, famously housed in the S2000, we’ve expanded our product line to cater specifically to its high-revving nature. With a global community of passionate S2000 enthusiasts, we understand the demands placed on these engines, especially in high-performance scenarios such as track days or prolonged spirited drives. That’s why, here at TODA RACING has developed a slightly more conservative and mild specification piston for use during engine overhauls. By incorporating just a subtle boost in compression ratio over stock specifications, our goal is to alleviate strain on engine components, thus enhancing engine longevity. For enthusiasts in pursuit of peak performance, we continue to provide our classic High Comp and Ultra High Comp variants. But for drivers prioritizing durability without sacrificing performance, our latest offering is definitely worth considering. Elevate your S2000’s performance and reliability with TODA RACING’s latest engine upgrade options. Because when it comes to pushing boundaries on the track or enjoying spirited drives on the open road, every detail counts.
F20C Engine O/H Piston KIT
Engine TypeF20C
Part No.13020-F20-G00
Price (set)£825
Crown Volume *16.1cc/12.1cc
Projection Height *2+1.0mm
Reference C/R *3ξ≒11.8 :1
*1:Crown volume is measured “from the piston shoulder”/”from the deck of the block”.
*2:Piston shoulder height is measured from the deck of the block.
*3:The compression ratios given above are only to be taken as a guide (when standard t=0.6mm head gasket is used), measurements are required.
Cylinder head combustion chamber may need a boring modification to gain sufficient clearance.

For info on Honda F20C Toda Racing Pistons – Over Haul please go here

For info on our full range of goods and services please go here

Since being established in 1971, TODA RACING has been involved in motorsport through many different projects including engine development and the in-house manufacturing of motorsport parts. Since that time TODA RACING has continued to expand, to where it now manufactures in-house both motors and inverters. Designs, builds and supplies various test stands. As well as developing and provides services for prototypes and R&D vehicle builds. All of which have may satisfied customers. TODA RACING is about removing standard conventions to help push forward, with the motto of “Transforming Automotive Dreams into Reality”.




ESTABLISHMENT:Feb. 1st, 1971

CAPITAL FUND:10,000,000 yen

ADDRESS:640-1 Naka, Yakage-cho, Oda-gun, Okayama 714-1215, JAPAN
Phone: +81 866-83-1202
FAX: +81 866-83-1203

HEAD OFFICE:1363 Tamashima, Kurashiki-shi, Okayama 713-8102, JAPAN
*All operation performed at Yakage factory.

  • Developments, manufacturing, and sales of racing parts
  • Developments, manufacturing, and sales of racing engines
  • Developments, manufacturing, and sales of automobile parts
  • Research and development of engine combustion efficiency, reducing fuel consumption, and lowing emissions
  • Manufacturing and sales of teststand
  • Developments, manufacturing, and sales of automobile in-wheel motors and onboard motors
  • Manufacturing of aircraft parts
  • Manufacturing of industrial machineries

MAIN PRODUCTS:Racing pistons, camshafts, dampers, etc.
Automobile parts
ISO / Partipating Organization
ISO 9001:
*The head office is not included.
JIS Q 9100:
Scope of Certification: Machining of Metal Parts for Aircraft, Railroad Vehicle, and Marine Vessel
*The head office is not included.
TODA Racing is a member of “OkajiNet”.
TODA Racing is a member of Aircraft Components Joint Sales Team, “Wing Win OKAYAMA”.
TODA Racing is a member of “Micro Manufacturing Okayama”.

TODA RACING - Motor Power Creator.


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