HKS EVC6-IR 2.4 Boost Controller
The HKS EVC6-IR 2.4 Boost Controller is the very latest of the original and most successful electronic boost controllers from HKS in Japan!
It’s LCD full colour monitor is upgraded for better clarity, and by directly pushing 4 buttons on the front of the unit enables easy use of the settings. A useful correction map function is added for more precise boost control.
- EVC6-IR’s TFT full color monitor size is enlarged to 2.4 inch from 2.2 inch for better visibility . (The case remains in the same size.)
- HKS boost setting tool “EasyWriter” can be easily connected.
- Basic performance as a boost controller is the same as EVC6-IR.
- Correction map grid point : 10 x 10.
- Pressure correction range : -180 – 180.
- More precise correction is possible for modern smaller sized turbo.
- Monitor Navigation System easily leads the user to the correct setting and logging screens.
- A reliable and accurate stepper motor is utilized as the valve unit.
- For a fully detailed description of this product please go to expert installation, setting up, tuning? No problem! We offer the following services which you see more about here:
- ECU remapping
- Performance car servicing and repairs
- Performance upgrades