Tesla Model 3 MPP Comfort Coilovers
Look great, ride great.
We’re extremely excited to bring you our jointly developed MPP / KW Comfort Coilovers. After speaking with a large number of Model 3 owners in the community, we realized that there was a large demand for the ability to lower your Model 3 without reducing the ride comfort, especially over large bumps. For this reason, we have developed a comfort coilover system that aims to bring you great value, smoother than OE ride, increased suspension travel, and dampers done by some of the best in the business.
- Spring rates set for comfortable driving, very similar to factory spring rates.
- Height adjustable from factory ride height down to 40+mm below stock.
- Progressive bump rubbers tuned to engage only in the most aggressive bumps to not add to ride harshness under normal conditions.
- Utilize the OEM upper hats for minimum NVH transmitted into the cabin. No spherical bearings to clunk and transmit road noise!
- Bolt-in installation. A competent shop can have these coilovers installed in 3.5 hours.
- Composite spring perch that will not seize to damper body over time as many aluminum products tend to.
Fits these vehicles: Model 3 Standard RWD, Long Range RWD
For info on Tesla Model 3 MPP Comfort Coilovers please go here
Aftermarket suspension is something that can make or break the enjoyment of a vehicle. Unfortunately for Model 3 owners, the car is very high from the factory and runs into the bump stops over just about any bump – and they are always engaged once a car has been lowered on springs. This means that the dampers (also called shock absorbers) must be changed when lowering the car to allow for compliant chassis over bumps and to avoid damaging the vehicle when driving aggressively – as the bump rubber can only compress so much before effectively becoming a rock. Repeated extreme impacts can damage the top mounts and put unnecessary shock through the entire vehicle, and upset the platform when driving at the limit.
Our comfort coilovers have been developed to offer a huge range of height adjustability with significantly more travel than stock. Our coilovers have been developed jointly with KW Suspension, one of the leading aftermarket performance and racing suspension suppliers in the world. There is a reason why KW is the go-to pick for those that own European sports and luxury cars.
Our comfort coilovers were designed for the user that wants a similar ride to factory – even slightly softer while having the ability to fine-tune the ride height to his or her exact preference. These coilovers offer what we feel is the perfect ride for a sports sedan. It removes a lot of the harshness caused by the firm Tesla damper while offering a small bump in spring rate to keep the platform flat and responsive. With tons of travel, you can clobber potholes and large ruts in the road without even feeling it. In fact, the faster you go the smoother it gets!
As our comfort dampers are designed for the lower ride height when compared to stock, the suspension will ride just as well whether it is 20mm below stock, or 50mm below stock!
Factory Ground Clearance (19″ Wheels, Early Production Springs):
Front: 155mm
Rear: 150mm* As Model 3 production evolves we have seen different cars be slightly different heights. You can measure the ground clearance of your car if you’re trying to determine exactly how much you’ll be able to lower your car with our coilovers, but as a guide you’ll be able to get the car far lower than you ever should want to run it. In our testing we found 110mm front and rear was a very driveable height and that will be our recommended ride height.
MPP Coilover Range:
Front: 90mm – 140mm
Rear: 100mm – 140mm
Our suspension system utilizes the factory rear spring mounting location – as designed by Tesla. While it is likely that some other coilover manufacturers will take the easy path and put the spring on the rear damper, the upper parcel shelf was never designed to carry the entire vehicle load. The chassis rigidity simply isn’t there, not to mention the NVH concerns.
The coilovers come with a five-year warranty for the original buyer (void with track-use, as is KW policy), complete documentation including instructions, and recommended initial ride height settings. Installation is very straightforward. The OEM top-hats are to be re-used and as such so a spring compressor is required to disassemble the factory front dampers. Nothing on the car needs to be permanently modified or damaged for installation.
For info on our full range of goods and services please go here