Toda Racing F20C 2020cc Engine



Toda Racing F20C 2020cc Engine

F20C S2000
S2000 is a very popular vehicle across the world with many enthusiastic fans and can be seen in many track use applications. Toda Racing’s complete engine brings the additional power through increased engine capacity and optimized engine modification to have higer performance. Special big valves are used in the engine, and the valve seats are finished for racing applications. The engine has an identification plate with a serial number and a special machined oil filler cap is included. This is a special engine for your S2000. The complete engine can be ordered with a specified compression ratio and you can make a change to the modification for such as camshafts and individual throttle body kit.

F20C 2350 Complete Engine
Engine TypeF20C
TypeUsed engine provided
Part No.11111-F20-000
Price (set)£11385
C/R12.3:1 (can be changed)
Max Torque (Engine Dyno)4kg/m gained
Max Power (Engine Dyno)40 ps (29.4kW) gained
Max RPM9000rpm
Engine Running InIncluded in Dyno Testing
Shipping PackageCardboard box
*This is a F20C complete exchange engine. If a customer-provided engine, F20C or F22C can be used.

*The price excludes shipping from Japan.
*ECU setting is required by a customer.
*The new engines use a later model F20C headcover. Breather pipe connections differ with earlier models, PCV valve ASSY for the later model is required to fit correctly.

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